EBU change of presidency and priorities

Strasbourg, 5 June – the EBU Board appointed Matthieu Blanc as President and Martin Staats as Vice President and extended its gratitude to Dr. Philippe Grulois for his exceptional leadership. Discover more about UBU’s new leadership and its priorities.

Press Release

More EU budget for transport | The best investment plan for Europe

43 European transport organisations are advocating for increased EU budget allocation towards clean transport. The transport sector is of strategic importance in responding to Europe’s environmental, geostrategic and capacity challenges. Only with a strong transport sector at its core will Europe be able to reach its climate and resilience goals and safeguard its supply chain sovereignty. 

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Inland Waterway Transport & Ports Agenda 2024 Onwards

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Connecting Europe Days: Discover the innovation of inland waterway vessels

Following our successful event, ‘Discover the Innovation of Inland Waterway Vessels,’ held during Connecting Europe Days on April 2, 2024. Dive into the press release for a glimpse into the future of inland waterway transport.

Press Release