EBU Event: Role of inland waterway transport in the framework of EU’s mobility and supply policy
Inland waterway transport (IWT) is one of the modes designated and able to absorb higher shares of cargo and passenger volumes on the European waterways. It is part of the solution to meet the sustainability goals and to keep Europe moving. To discover the possibilities of the sector in increasing its modal share, mind shifts are needed to disclose and attract new markets.
A number of new initiatives are expected to address this challenge by stimulating a better integration of IWT into the logistics chain and to level the playing field with other modes in terms of regulatory and funding support.
14.30 | Registration |
15.00 | Opening and welcome |
15.05 | Key note speeches by Philippe Grulois, President EBU Magda Kopzcynska, Director General European Commission DG MOVE Lydia Peeters, Minister of the Flemish Government in charge of Mobility and Public Works |
15.45 | Panel discussions chaired by Theresia Hacksteiner, Secretary General EBU 1st Panel | How to boost Modal Shift towards more sustainable modes Lucia Luijten, Secretary General Central Commission for the Navigation on the Rhine Annika Kroon, Head of Unit Maritime Transport & Logistics, European Commission DG MOVE Didier Leandri, President Entreprises fluviales de France E2F Paris and Vice-President EBU Luc Malysse, Inland Navigation Manager Cargill Transportation & Logistics EMEA Martin Staats, Managing Director MSG eG and President Bundesverband der Deutschen Binnenschifffahrt eV, Board member EBU |
16.30 | Coffee break (16.30-17.00) |
17.00 | 2nd Panel | Delivering the energy transition and needs of the sector Caroline Nagtegaal, MEP TRAN committee, co-rapporteur AFIR Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Regulation Markus Bangen, CEO Port of Duisburg Matthieu Blanc, CEO CFT Compangnie Fluviale de transport, Sogestran group Daniel Buchmüller, CSO River Advice and Vice-President IGRC Hugues Van Honacker, Senior Expert, Ports and Inland Navigation Unit, European Commission DG MOVE |
18.00 | Networking cocktail (18.00-19.00 pm) |
Role of inland waterway transport (IWT) in the framework of EU’s mobility and supply policy
Inland waterway transport (IWT) is one of the modes designated and able to absorb higher shares of cargo and passenger volumes on the European waterways.
It is part of the solution to meet the sustainability goals and to keep Europe moving. To discover the possibilities of the sector in increasing its modal share, mind shifts are needed to disclose and attract new markets. A number of new initiatives are expected to address this
challenge by stimulating a better integration of IWT into the logistics chain and to level the playing field with other modes in terms of regulatory and funding support.
To support this objective, the announced EU policies together with the concrete legislative measures need to be tailored to the sector’s needs to tap its full potential. To serve its clients as a reliable carrier, IWT, however, first and foremost is depending on the infrastructure network.
The extreme low water season in the summer 2022 demonstrated the more the urgent need for climate proof infrastructure requiring proper maintenance, rehabilitation and regeneration of the waterways next to sufficient investments in new infrastructure.
Obviously, the sector – although known for its positive environmental record – is facing huge challenges in terms of innovation and its transition towards lower emission performance. Given the long life span of inland vessels and their engines, the investments in the greening paths need to be future proof. The current uncertainty regarding the future technology and availability of sufficient alternative fuels together with the huge investment costs hampers the quick transition of the sector. This calls for concerted actions from public and private stakeholders.
The event will enable an exchange on the various challenges and chances with high-level representatives from the European and international institutions and experts from the industry.